
My Family Tree

Chronoplex Software

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My Family Tree is a downloadable file that allows you to easily create your own family tree. This free app provides a user-friendly interface that makes it simple to create highly detailed genealogical trees with minimal effort.

The process begins with the first member of your family, who can be anyone you choose. From there, you can create the rest of the tree based on their relationships, including father, mother, siblings, spouse, children, and more. Each entry in My Family Tree includes a wealth of information about the person, such as their name, date and place of birth, genetic information (such as blood group and eye color), and even a space to write a short biography. You can also attach photos and videos to each entry.

In addition to the traditional tree view, My Family Tree offers other ways to visualize the information, such as a timeline and a comprehensive set of statistics that compile significant events throughout the years, including births, deaths, and marriages.

Once your family tree is complete, you have the option to save, print, or export it to GEDCOM, a standard genealogical tree format. While there aren't many configuration options for printing the tree, keeping it saved on your computer is likely the better choice, especially since you can add media files to the tree.

My Family Tree also supports media content, allowing you to create complete genealogical trees with ease.

Education & Reference Windows

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